Which Survey should you get?

The most popular is the Home Buyers Survey, (Level 2) and is applicable if your property is

A general survey of a home, including any visible defects or issues. The report is delivered in a standardised format for easy reference. The HomeBuyer Report is suitable for 90% of properties and is the most popular choice.

The Home Building Survey (Level 3) is

A more in-depth survey of a property, including all accessible areas of a home. RICS recommend the building survey for older properties, or those of non-standard construction. Building survey reports are tailored by the individual surveyor, and can address any additional questions or concerns.

A Home Condition Report (Level 1)

A description of the construction and condition of the property. Highlights serious problems, Identifies areas requiring urgent repair & Alerts you to areas or materials which may be a hazard. Ideal for newer properties or ones in generally very good order.

Condition Survey
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A description of the construction and condition of the property
Highlights serious problems
Identifies areas requiring urgent repair
Alerts you to areas or materials which may be a hazard
Home Buyers Survey
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A description of the construction and condition of the property
Highlights serious problems
Identifies areas requiring urgent repair
Alerts you to areas or materials which may be a hazard
Provides you with additional advice on a particular defect or issue
Ideal for 90% of all properties
- Built between 1860 and now
- Less than £1million
- Traditional Construction
- Not Listed - Not Grade 1, 2
Home Building Survey
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A description of the construction and condition of the property
Highlights serious problems
Identifies areas requiring urgent repair
Alerts you to areas or materials which may be a hazard
Provides you with additional advice on a particular defect or issue
Provides specific information on the future performance of the building fabric
Outlines repair options and future timeline for maintenance
A longer and more detailed report with a more thorough consideration of the structure, grounds and services
Ideal for ;
- Properties over £1 million
- Unusual Construction
- Listed Grade 1, Grade 2
- Built Before 1860
Buy To Let Survey
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For "Buy To Let" Properties
All as per the Home Buyers Survey plus;
-Provides separate report identifying and providing information about the 29 separate HHSRS observations
